Orientation '10 Day- 2

Yo Peeps! Fine. Today was kinda messed up and okay... Took lotsa photos. Hahas 1/2 of the photos was taken by yours truly! w00ts. Hopefully Mr Tan will accept the photos! Hahas. Going onto Fotki soon too! Hehes. I also know the next M-Tech Head and Vice! Hehes, its a secret for now... My whole body aching right now. Got slapped and "beatened" up by Yun Jie... Sigh she is really okay when she's okay. Just don't write her name on the Paint application on your com. Sigh. Anyways, accidentaly pulle the fire extinguisher in the control room. Got a shock. Went to dinner with JL, Sheng and Ji Kang. Went home with JL and Sheng. Met Jie Chern, SW and Daisy on the way. Hahas. Farewell party tomorrow. Damn excited. Hahas. So There

Orientation '10

Yo Peeps! Today I was being pushed around. Today I was a Sai-kang Warrior. Today I am tired. Today I made new Friends. Today I was a Listener. Today was Orinetation. Hahas. It was kinda Good and Bad. Logistics was kinda screwed. Hahas, but the main thing that inpacted me the most was a talk. I had a "sharing" session with a friend of mine. Hahas. We shared our problems and I found out ALOT more about her. Sharing is just so awesome. To find out that she found comfort from Christ really made me so touched. Hahas. Awesome day I had. Hahas, So There.

Riding In The Rain

Yo Peeps! Hahas, just came home. Went for clique outing today. The weather wasn't really on our side. So ya, we took a very looooooonnnnnggggggg way to East Coast Park. Edwe's stupid idea. Anyways, once we reached, Sheng gave a suggestion, to cycle. Ah yes, JL did not no how to and hence, lead us to teaching her. We failed. Then, it started pouring. We soon found shelter. Me and Sheng continued cycling in the rain. Hahas, if all of us falls sick, 1/2 of the orientation comm will be gone. This very GL-ed lady shouted at me for accidentaly tapping her bag with my wet shirt. Geez. TL's dad fetched us home afterwards. Hahas. So There.

The 100th Post!

Yo Peeps! Weeeeeeees! This is my 100th post. Yes I know, nothing great about. Hahas So There.

Carolling Was A Blast

Yo Peeps! Went carolling yesterday with church peeps! Hahahas, it was Awesome! Had lotsa fun, went to Lentor Residence on our first stop. Hahas. We sang to the Old Folks. Putting a smile on their faces meant a great deal for me. Drank barley water, went to the next stop. My aunts house. Caught by the speed camera... Sigh, Pastor Huang ain't gonna be happy. Shi Kai and the bunch was singing Jay Chou songs. Dorcas would be very happy if she was there. Hehes. Sang again, ate refreshments, Me, Hong Xun and Shi Min were gobbling down the food. Hahas, Caris was doing some random thing about eating and not eating. Girls played with the baby. It was very very awesome. Hahas. So There.

A Serving Heart: Discovering Your True Passion

Yo Peeps! The first sermon. Hahas. From Colossians 3: 23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. Not for men, since you know that you will recieve an inheritance from from the Lord as areward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Passion Principles.

i) Know what drives you
1. What do my dreams and desires drift toward?
2. What do I really want to do for God?
3. What motivates me to take action
4. What do I crave?

ii) Know who you care about
1. Who do I feel I can most profoundly influence in God?
2. What age range do I feel led to miniser to?
3.What affirnity do I feel let to serve?
4. How could I impact them in a way that maximizes my gift?

iii) Know the needs you will meet
1. What are the top two needs I love meeting?
2. Why do I love meeting these needs
3. What lessons have I learnt that I could pass on to others?

iv) Know the cause you will help conquer
1. What course or issue makes my heart race?
2. Where could I make the greatest impact for God?
3. If time wasn't an issue, to what cause would I donate myself?

v. Know your ultimate dream for God's kingdom?
1) What pursuit would release the passion in my life for God?
2) What God-Centered dreams can I identify that have been buried by life?
3) What could I attempt to do for God with the rest of my life?

Take some time to answer these questions. It helps. No really.

Mark 8: 35 " For ever who wants to save his life, will lose it. But for whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel, will save it."


Yo Peeps! I've been gone for 4 days now! Pictures will be coming up soon! The camp name was Serve-vivor: A serving heart. It was a blast. Awesome stuff. Amazingly, I saw Jeremiah there. His church was there for camp too. Hehes. The next few blog posts will be about the sermons that i heard. Hahas.

Camping at HX's

Yo Peeps! Right. I am at HX's place. Going to do volunteer-y work tomorrow again. Hahas. CNEC. Christian National Evangelistic Commission. Hahas. Went to school in the morning with JL, orientation meeting. Discussed about logistics and other stuff. Went to Toa Payoh for lunch. Ed had turtle soup. Yep. Sick and Wrong. Gi's flying today. Bon Voyage! Don't come back empty-handed! Hahas. So There.

Revelation 20:12

Yo Peeps! Was kinda scanning my Bible today, came across Revelations chapter 20 verse 12. This is what it said. "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened. Which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books." Bizarre. Yup, if you are, well, less optimistic, its the "End Of The World", "D-Day", "The Apocalypse", "Judgement Day", "Day Of Reckoning", "Trumpet Of Doom". Ah yes, we know that that day will come. The only question: When!? 20 12/ 2012? We never actually know. Cherish. So There.

Going Church Later...

Dr. Patch Adams
The Movie Staring Robin Williams

Yo Peeps! Right... I just finished watching Patch Adams. Very Inspiring. Its about this doctor that has a very different mindset. He is not like other doctors. Only caring for the patients and curing them. Patch Adams goes further to understanding his patients and humouring them. Laughter, the best medicine. You peeps should watch that show. Very very good. Anyways, going church later. Carolling practice. Its nearing. Gee, somehow I feel so calm...Hahas

Went Back To School...

Yo Peeps! Went back to school to change my uniform to a size 20. Right. Met Gi and the others. they were having some Investiture meeting. helped them trimmed ribbons. =.=" After that went to lunch...Opposite...Again! Anyways, bought veg rice. Wait. who cares!? Somehow bumped into Wen Hsuen on the way. Than the whole sec 3 dance crew appeared. Freaks. Right. My bro went for a sleepover. Darn him. I am ALONE!!! Boo-Hoo. So There.

Induction- Day 2

Yo Peeps! 2nd day of Induction. Attendance was Pathetic. I guess why people usually don't turn up for events like these is mainly because the first day was not impactful enough. They find the first day boring and? B00Mz. Right. Daisy started of with the Reception speech. I knew she was able to do it. She kept saying that the stage is not her thing, the stage IS for everyone. Its only whether you are willing to try or not. It turned out better then she would expect it to be. Hahas, great job! Confucious said: If Daisy can do it, so can you! Hahas. We learnt the Hoedown Throwdown. Me and Jonny were behind trying to pick up the dance. I am okay when its slow, but when day play the song, I can never ever catch up with the stupid beat. Sigh. Try and try again I guess. Hahas. So There.

Induction- Day 1

Yo Peeps! Induction was kinda okay I guess. I had to give a speech on public speaking. I would not say it was my best performance. I kinda stuttered and stuff. It was actualy fun to present such a "course" to all the peeps. Saw so many juniors...Hahas dunno why, but I actually miss them. KW was all quite and stuff, I was joking with Harith about toasters, YJ was the usual slap and hack. Chloe started pulling down pants, Shawn was always finding some way to disturb me, Jonathan was always going, "Mr Tay!" Hahas somehow I actually "enjoy" them. except for the slapping and the pulling of pants that is. Hahas. So There.

At Aunt's

Yo peeps! I am currently at my aunt's place. Watching White Chicks now. Hahas funny show. Just ate Ngoh Hiang. Very full. Been here for the whole day already. Went to Hougang mall yesterday with Ah li and Gi. Went to Popular with those 2. Shopped for their Math books. Also found stuff for their Pub things. Helped them "fix" the vase THEY broke. Hahas. So There.

Subway Dinner

Yo Peeps! Went to school in the morning, induction and orientation meeting. Yes, the usual stuff, planning and the teachers came and guided us on what we were doing and stuff. Went to lunch with Sheng and Ah Li, at chicken rice. Drank Soya Bean. Ahahahas. Gi left early, went to watch New Moon. Don't understand why girls like hunky guys that turn into Vampires and Werewolves. Ed is in Hong Kong, Su Wen is in South Africa, Clement is in Vegas =.=" Rich people. I went to M'sia... But I don't really care. I am grateful that I went somewhere. Across the Border ain't that bad yo! Hahas, went to dinner at SubWay. Love that place. Hehes. So There.


Yo Peeps! Just came back from NTUC. Went shopping with my grandma. I love shopping at NTUC with my grandma. She will be always going: "Eh Chiestar! 帮我拿那个肉可以吗?" Hahas. We shopped and ate, went to find Christmas food already. A feast is coming... w00ts! I love Christmas, the gifts, carolling, new friends! Hahas. Festive Season! So There.